I probably shouldn't bother, but I wish to respond to two very recent posts made in this Thread by JimmyW, that have since been deleted.

JimmyW twice stated that I couldn't read his "fifth grade graph" that he and Al Gore have used to show a direct correlation between CO2 levels and global average temperatures. I specifically pointed out to Jimmy that his precious "fifth grade graph" showed several times where CO2 levels were elevated or still rising, yet average global temperatures dropped or did not increase.

Originally Posted by Jimmy W
[Linked Image from i.imgur.com] Look on the chart where studies have proven that CO2 levels are today.

We see this happening about 520,00 years ago, 210,000 years ago, and about 100,000 years ago where temperature dropped before CO2 levels. But you have to actually study the graph closely. However, we really see this easily at the present time. The "fifth grade graph" clearly shows CO2 levels much higher than any point in history, yet there are four periods where global average temperatures were higher than they are at the present time. We should be experiencing the highest average global temperatures at any point in the last 600,000 years... but we're not. Also, there was no appreciable man made CO2 in those earlier times. Much of it came from volcanoes. So the recent story that CO2 from volcanoes is dwarfed by man-caused CO2 is another apparent misstatement of fact. A small child could see this. Whether Al Gore's "fifth grade graph" is at all accurate is another story.

Then Jimmy stated twice that I had claimed NASA lied. I never once mentioned NASA anywhere in this Thread. I did mention the disturbing fact that NOAA (not NASA) was using atmospheric CO2 monitoring data from on top of an active volcano. That is not a place where anyone except agenda driven scientists would go to get accurate and truthful data on average global CO2 levels.

So it appears that the reason JimmyW feels I can't comprehend his and Al Gore's "fifth grade graph" is because Jimmy is obviously reading the "fifth grade graph" (and my posts) at a kindergarten level.

Then, in the now deleted post Jimmy made this morning, he was gloating that I was wrong about the fact that Kyle Rittenhouse's name was released almost immediately after he was involved in a self-defense shooting during the Minneapolis BLM Riots, but the names of the Kansas City post- Super Bowl shooters were not released. Jimmy mocked me for posting incorrect information that he said had been released five days ago. However, when I checked, the names of the Kansas City shooters had not been released until sometime on Feb. 20th. Sources like Newsweek and The New York post were still reporting that their names had not been released early in the day on Feb. 20th.

I could find no source that stated the names of the K.C. shooters were released five days ago. So why would JimmyW make that apparently untruthful statement?

The fact remains that Kyle Rittenhouse's name (and photo) had been released almost immediately by the Liberal Press and the Liberal D.A., even though he was under 18, but they did not release the same information about the K.C. shooters until almost a week after the shooting, when they were charged as adults. Three days ago, on Feb. 20th, the Kansas City Star was complaining about how few details had been released compared to other juvenile criminals. And we still have not seen their photos, for obvious reasons.

It is disturbing that JimmyW made at least two posts where he was extremely critical of me, and then deleted that false information without so much as an apology. I'm sure he isn't sorry, and still thinks everything he said was right. His Trump bashing videos tell us all we need to know about who he supports. I thought I knew all I needed to know about him and his religious fervor for believing climate propaganda from the Liberal Left, but now I know much more. We also will never see any complaints from Liberals here that JimmyW is posting under a fake screen name. "Jimmy" is another Liberal who needs to stop sending me PM's. There is no need for me to privately engage with Liberals who can't even read a "fifth grade graph".

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.