Craig, you are talking about politics. I’m not.

I’m talking about social attitudes, which politics follows. Politics does not lead.

You mention schools. The Left infiltrated the institutions of education. School boards, teaching colleges, the government bureaucracy that oversee the whole system.

The Toronto School Board recently issued a curriculum guidebook for all of its teachers. It’s the largest school board in the country. The guide explicitly notes that “education IS white privilege”. That is not the doing of politicians. That is activism. But it sure affects how those students will vote in 5 to 15 years.

If one is fighting the battle with politicians and political parties only, you will lose. Those people Lloyd complains about, who moved into Colorado from Cali or NY and changed the place? They are activists. The politicians follow them.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia