Originally Posted by Jimmy W
People keep forgetting that the North and South poles are melting. When they are reminded of that fact, it is not hard to see who is brainwashed to that fact and they try to make up excuse. Global warming is not man made and yet NASA is continually taking images of the earth aglow. Not man made - 88% of the forest fires in the US are caused by humans. Humans are burning the amazon to turn it into farm land. Europe is constantly on fire somewhere. China doesn't care about pollution and ignore the fact that their population has to where masks in order for them to breathe. The world population in 1950 was 2.5 billion and today it is over 8 billion. So you have that many more people driving cars, using air conditioners, causing factory pollution and carbon monoxide in the air burning a hole in the ozone. And you have people try to say that global warming is not man-made. They can drill down into the polar ice and pull up the ice that has kept the history of the world. And never before has our pollution been as bad as it is now. And yet people say it is not man-made. You keep hearing the terms-"never before", " an all time record", never in history" when we hear about catastrophes. Yet people blow it off and ignore it. Go to Alaska and the pine beetles are destroying millions of acres of trees because their life cycles has been changed to longer periods, yet the uneducated say there is no global warming. Methane gas is coming up from the permafrost through the ice and you can light it with a cigarette lighter, because it is melting. So, yes, this generation is responsible for all of this. Yet these same people are also complaining because global warming has caused people to flee their homes and travel a 1000 miles to the US and Europe because their water is contaminated and their children are starving. And yet, you have people like John Roberts accusing me of not having compassion for someone else. I worked with a guy once who claimed to be a devout Christian. When the topic got to the hole in the ozone one day he said, "The Christians have proved that the hole in the ozone has been there since God created the earth. GOD punched that hole in the ozone, so that he could get up and down from heaven to earth on his ladder." That is the IQ of someone who disputes global warming. I pray for people like that. I pray that when God decides whose house he wants to be moved into the next state via a hurricane or tornado, it won't be mine. 😆

Jimmy, people say "never before" because they are thinking about the last 120 years. According to science the earth is 4.5 billion years old. And for that entire time the average temperature of the earth has fluctuated.

There is no hard, irrefutable evidence that says the current slight rise in temps is man made. There just isn't. And the climate change hucksters have literally been caught lying about their facts several times. Temps went up and down over the last 1000 years. Ever hear of The Little ice Age. Man wasn't doing anything that sudden caused the temps to drop in 1350. Nor the rise in temps in the mid 1800. Ever check the amount of carbon spilled into the atmosphere by volcanic eruptions? The polar ice caps grow and shrink. IIRC last winter was one of the biggest for polar ice cap growth on record. Oh and as an aside.....the polar bear population is bigger now that it has likely been in your lifetime. Hole in the ozone? We stopped using CFCs and the hole repaired itself. The great barreier reef had the largest new growth spurt ever recorded recently.

Where are the rising ocean levels if the caps are melting. And if some of the things that are going on, like pine beetle infestations, are the result of a change in climate, who the hell are we to say that's wrong. You don't see any dinosaurs around do you? Things change. This entire thing is about a financial grift and political control by non elected entities.

Remember the Club of Rome in the late 1960s and early 1970s? OMG We will overpopulate the world and run out of food by the year 2000. How did that go???

The biggest problem with the climate change religion is it take our eyes off the pollution issues and deforestation/habitat destruction that we should really be focused on. Like the fact that in 450 years we have removed over 90% of life from the oceans. Or that there are plastics everywhere.

Last edited by canvasback; 02/06/24 07:51 PM.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia