Originally Posted by Argo44
In looking at Robusts I've run across a word I don't know - "borgne"; sometimes "crosse de borgne." It appears to indicate something somewhat unusual - perhaps "cobbled together" or possibly "bent center view stock". Does anyone know a good definition of this term?


The gun in the link has a crossover stock. They are built with extreme cast to permit a shooter to use the opposite eye as the shoulder they prefer. So it appears that Ted is probably correct about the French word meaning something like that... indicating it is stocked for a visually impaired shooter. They are an unusual alternative for a right handed shooter who loses vision in his dominant right eye, and vice versa. If you really love shooting, you do what you gotta do to stay in the game.

I think I recall KY Jon recently telling us that he has been putting together a little collection of crossover stocked guns.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.