keith, like trump, i like the jealous and envious wannabees keeping my name in the news on the front page...

free advertising helps toward finding prospects...

some prospects actually turn into sales...

trump gets alotta negative coverage in much of the media...i get alotta negative coverage on this for sale forum...

but then there is trump's bigly positive poll numbers... and dare i say it again...

look at my bigly positive positive on gunbroker, where i as ed1 have sold hundreds of fine doubleguns over the past 20 years or so...

pretty much negates the negative excrements spewed forth by but a miserable few mc's (mal contents), that lerk in the creavices and other hidden dark places of this otherwise fine doublegon forum...

Last edited by ed good; 11/12/23 07:40 PM.

keep it simple and keep it safe...