Hi Keith

Thanks for your post, I hate to ask anybody for anything until after I've tried to look for things by myself, but if you have a copy of that
article by Blivens, would you please get a copy to me or point to a place where I can find it.

My iphone uses a MOV format for videos, this means I can send videos to other iphones but have to play games to send it to others. Today
I was trying to figure things out and discovered that I could go through the video, that I took of my son shooting the flintlock, frame by frame with
a resolution of about 0.01 seconds, so at 29.86 seconds into the video, the hammer has fallen, at 29.92 seconds the flame from the pan is at it's max,
at 30.02 seconds flame can be seen exiting the barrel and recoil is observed. I thought "wow, I wonder if Blivens was able to quantify his results
and if not, if it would be interesting to redo his work and use the cell phone camera to record results" .

That being said, I feel like being a dad is one of those jobs that you could always be better at. But watching my son shoot and hit the target really
made me feel good, he said afterwards that he thought it was a little scary, but he sure didn't show any hesitation about shooting it again and again.

It really was a thrill of victory on more than one level.
