Sir-I read with a great degree of disgust-in the entire BATFE lack of interest in your "missing" valued weapon, and I hope that it does show up intact. But there is a very valid point you made, one that, IMO anyway, deserves elaboration-- How many of us on this forum would have receipts from guns we purchased, even private sales transactions, from years ago?? I have a few, in my case many of the firearms I now own and treasure, were purchased from good friend and master gunsmith, the late Brad Bachelder- a few at gun shows, also receipted, the rest were from family inheritance. How well any of that paperwork on his business forms, and passed the "Stevie Nicks" background check proceedure, so I would guess a record of those purchases would exist in the BATFE file system.. The biggest problem, as I see it, and sadly with all the senseless random shootings extant in the USA, the BATFE clowns would only track theft of the EBR class of weapons, and fine sporting arms such as your Ruger rifle would be regarded as would BB guns or their equivalent. I tend to have a distrust of our Gov't- in my 8 years in the USMC, my transfer of duty station orders were "lost" 3 times that I recall- "I'm from the Gov't and I'm really here to help"-- right. Best wishes for the safe recovery of your prized weapon--and I also suspect theft in this case- but as a Fox, I am suspicious by nature. RWTF

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..