It's you that's getting into my business. I Just wanted people aware that a lot of the guns are auction re-runs that have been through one or more auctions and did not sale because if high reserves or issues.
I only track Lefevers and all but one or two have been in other auctions. I do see other makers guns that ive seen in auctions before, I just dont have records of them. How I know is because I have 6000 Lefever serial numbers and keep track of them. If they have been in an auction, I note it and put down how much they sold for or didn't sale for plus the auction est. The auction house has been around a long time and is respected. They are just getting into guns. It's my feeling they got them from the wrong guy. I'm not going to say names as I don't need a lawsuit.

Bob Cash I don't like your comments and will report them to Dave. I also will not be posting on this board anymore because of people like you.

I think the expression is “Put up or shut up”.
Or a punch bowl turd like yourself might better understand, ”Sh!t or get off the pot”
I doubt a poop stain of a guy like you has ever taken a business risk such as this.