I've been reading this thread as it goes along, and I have to comment on the wood. Number one, I hope it isn't original, because I think my opinion of the builder would drop if he thought that the carved band added anything to the gun. However, based on my almost 50 years of trying to butcher good walnut, I think it is obvious just due to grain and color on the left side that this is two totally different pieces of wood. The right side however is where it is obvious, even though the match is much better. The wood is not well sealed and filled, and notice the surface of the wood forward of and behind the carved line. The forward wood has pores running along the suface in a front to back direction and present as tiny half-grooves. The pores behind the carving are oriented perpindicular to the surface. The entire surface structure is totally different from one side of the division to the other. I have never in all my woodfinishing seen that occur on walnut. The only way it is possible is that the wood grain is not oriented in the same direction. It is a good job of hiding the joint but it has to be an extension.

Last edited by AGS; 12/16/22 12:17 AM.