It seems odd not to be taking my English gun this trip, but conditions up there (and here) have acted to dissuade me. This year (assuming that I will actually get to walk a trail or two) will be with either a dainty Dickenson 28 and/or a recently rejuvenated M12 in 16. The current shortage of 2 1/2-inch 16-bore shells was a factor in that decision as well, but this circa 1927 Nickel Steel M12 (under 500k sn) has been modified to handle modern 16 gauge loads. It will be on it's first venture afield with a shortened barrel due to a crack (some steel stupidity in it's past?) and opened chokes (light Mod now).

I am also now hearing that my brother won't be bringing any of his guns (he doesn't like to fly much anymore either) so I can guess who will likely be using that M12 in 16. There will also be a very early M12(1913) in 20 (w/the 25-inch barrel) to choose from if needed. Sounds like an M12 convention, eh?

Last edited by Lloyd3; 09/22/22 03:03 PM.