Lt. Gen Curtis LeMay was a main force in using skeet to train gunners for the bombing missions. In Dave Riffle's book on the Model 12, he is pictured holding a presentation grade 12 gauge M12 skeet gun. Not apples to apples here, but when stationed at Quantico, as an armorer, I did strip and clean detail on my C.O.'s personal weapons, also shot with him and his friends on the base trap fields. Quite an honor, IMO. No offense, but at that time, it was designated USAAF- the USAF came after WW2 ended, and the Air Force became a separate branch of our Military. Curtis LeMay was, IMO, cast in the same mold as Admiral Wm. "Bull" Halsey and USMC Gen "Chesty" Puller. RWTF

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..