Not everyone is coordinated enough to shoot with their non dominate side. For those people a simple piece of tape on the eye you don’t want to be dominate works well. Most new shooters are very adaptable and only want to see improvement. These are recreational shooters not the ones who are looking for the edge in targets to move them up into national championship levels.

I had a friend once, who was about top 5-6 in his sport, when he decided he had peaked and completely changed his shooting style so he dropped down to mediocre for a full year, before he ascended to top 5 level again. I never felt he was much better but he claimed his averages were almost half a bird across the board better. He went from both eyes open with a dot on his semi dominate eye to one eye closed and became a sustained lead shooter. Point is there are many ways to shoot and with effort and practice you can learn them all. I am ambidextrous so it helps a lot with shooting from either side. I can shoot from both left and right sides, with shooting styles that go from swing through to sustained lead. If I were serious about scores, which I’m too old to worry about now, I would pick just one style and hone it. Shooting is meant to be fun so find what works reasonably well for you and enjoy your friends.

Last edited by KY Jon; 04/28/22 09:22 AM.