Originally Posted by Parabola
I had 3 rounds of cast bullet loads that I wanted to use up in my open sighted 1886 model .33 WCF.

I stuck up a zero target on the backing board at 100 yards and went back to the bench.

With my contact lenses in I found that whilst I could see the aiming mark on the zero target I could not focus the foresight bead.

I put on my reading glasses. Viola! I could see the bead, BUT not the aiming mark.

I knew where the zero target was on the backing board, wanted to use up those three loads, so fired them off at where I remembered putting it.

When I retrieved it I had shot a 2 inch group.

Conclusion;- My memory is lasting better than my eye sight.

Similar condition here. I normally use 2.75 reading glasses, but for iron sight use and with pistols I put on 1.00 or 1.25's and they bring the sights into focus with the bullseye still very well defined, at least well enough to hit it efficiently.