Originally Posted by Ted Schefelbein
Warm water fishing? What is that? Why would you do that?

Ask the tens of thousands of bass fishermen who have been trying to top George Perry's 22 lb. 4 oz. largemouth bass record since June of 1932. Big bass don't grow under ice. But, they do grow big in the warm waters of the backwater river lakes down he'ah.

Next time I'm topwater bassin' alone on a warm summer night, I'll look up at that big full moon and I'll picture in my mind you sitting in a shack in a fur trimmed coat, with mittens on, by a little heater looking at a hole in the ice. I'll take a deep draw on my Hoyo de Monterey, listen to the bullfrogs holler, and the occasional gator grunt, and smile................

May God bless America and those who defend her.