I think it was Elmer Keith who remarked big bullets did not make up for bad bullet placement. He was a big bullet, big bore handgun aficionado. There was a story of a lady who killed an extremely large grizzly bear with a .22 LR. Seems the bear was about to get into her laundry hanging outside when she saw him. Shot him right out the window. Head shot went right into the brain, dead bear. Don’t mess with a lady on laundry day.

My shot was 100% luck. Think about hitting a silver dollar, moving right at you, at 30 yards, in a bears eye location, with the head moving all around, with a rifle sighted to shoot an inch high at 100 yards. I’d bet on the bear nine times out of ten. Ten out of ten times except I got lucky. The other mistake was to be so under-gunned. That was of a misspent youth reading Jack O’Connor writing about how wonderful the .270 was. Being young and impressionable off I went into the Alaska bush with my mighty .270. In hind sight I was more Elmer Fudd than anything else but a least I was luckier than Wiley Coyote. My gun was a Model 70 not one made by Acme Co..