I wholeheartedly agree with the previous posters and thought it was extremely well done as is usual for his documentaries.

It grieves me to think that my generation is the last to be personally acquainted with the fathers, uncles, moms, and aunts of this "Greatest Generation" who are now leaving us at the rate of over 1000 per day...to know who they really are...to know their first hand stories...to know their real personalities.

It grieves me because the following generations will think of the hero's of WWII the same as I think of my grandfather who served in the front lines of WWI. I've heard the stories of his service from my parents, but it is not the same...I did not really know him.

Hopefully, documentaries such as Ken Burns recent effort will allow future generations to know and understand a little better what we know and love about those our parents age who served both on the home front and overseas in WWII.

May God Bless Them All...each and every one.