Originally Posted By: SKB
And just like that billie k becomes a festivus participant airing his grievances. Next maybe we will be treated to some cyber feats of strength.

Poor Queen Stevie... once again demonstrating his/her lack of reading comprehension.

I did not "air any grievances" here Queen Stevie. I did not complain, nor did I notify Dave and ask him to delete your off-topic gay pride celebration Thread. I merely provided accurate information about the gay pride origins of your secular holiday, as a public service to the members of the Double Gun Shop forum.

They can draw their own conclusions about your motivation for starting an off-topic Thread that has gay pride roots. I already know why it is so important to you. So just don your gay apparel and enjoy your little holiday while dancing around your rainbow pole.

For those members who choose a more traditional Christmas celebration, here's some more information about what is behind Queen Stevie's pagan holiday:





A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.