Originally Posted By: KY Jon

If your house gets broken into, the Golden most like will watch everything and if they are pet nicely by the bad guy most likely will leave with them. A lab will bark and raise all types of hell but wont leave your house and will stay watching things after the thief leaves. The chessie will terminate the thief in your house and if in a bad mood will track down and kill his entire family for good measure.


My older brother had a chessie, she was fantastic to hunt with. My brother isn't a member of the forum but enjoyed reading your comments, he said that his chessie would have made a good junkyard dog, but that she was wonderful with his kids. He didn't talk about other people's kids though. He said that she was a lot of work to train. Here, I want to teach my kids to hunt, to have the pleasure of working with a good dog. And when we are done hunting, I want them to have a loving family dog.

Thanks Jon for that articulate explanation.
