.....more hot air from our resident expert, Shotgun Jones. Those questions regarding your qualifications are absolutely relevant my friend. If you are a national champion or even in one of the higher classes, and have shot a lot of B & P shells, then Id say your opinion on B and P might be relevant, otherwise likely worthless, more hot air and no expertise. Premium shells are superior to promotional loads and B and P are premium shells. They are more expensive than promos and you get what you pay for. Ive read other of your posts where you tout the cheap promotional loads. Go ahead and shoot the cheap stuff. For me, I will stick with quality and shoot premium shotgun shells like B&P, AA, Remington STS, premium Clever, and premium Fiocchi, et.al. In fact, and along this line, the NSCA National championship is going on in Texas now, and Id bet a million dollars that the winner is shooting a premium shell, and not cheap promotional loads like those you prefer. ....and, as a matter of fact, several world championship have been won using B and P shotgun shells, so go figure....and laugh at that crazy . Also, whether the B & P recoil reduction Gordon hull system works or not is another matter. They do seem to be soft shooting shells in my opinion but perceived recoil and even actual recoil is a difficult thing to quantify. I dont know of any tests/studies that can prove or disprove B and P claims on their system. Do you?

Socialism is almost the worst.