Not as a destination event.

Here's why.

Sorry, but, geezer's just don't spend any money.

They say they want to see vendor's, but vendors only go where they can make money.
There is no point in crisscrossing the country chasing the same 40 guys that might Part with a couple thousand dollars. Maybe.
The one's that work, work well enough to completely serve the market as it is.

Can there more SxS shoots?
Sure! But unless you are creating your own market, the same 40 guys that hop around might not be available.

Yesterday, I shot a SxS shoot at Bald Mountain, a premier, well known shooting facility outside Detroit.

Almost nobody showed.

Here in MI we have a well established series ofabout6-7 shoots that are just right fortheclubs, but none have vendors anymore.

It really is an April through August thing in the mitten state.
Get in, get out. All the guys are just about gone by noon.

If you want vendors, you'll go to Hausmann's, TheSouthern, or the Mec shoots.

Out there doing it best I can.