Originally Posted By: Ted Schefelbein

Masks wont help. Social distancing is a term that was lifted from a high schoolers science fair project a few years back, which, really doesnt do anything to prevent spread of viruses.


Masks do help... a little. There is a reason why Doctors and Nurses wear them. They are better than nothing. But most of the masks in use are about as effective in stopping a 1/8 micron covid19 virus particle as stopping number 8 shot with a tennis racket.

Social distancing could help if people could be kept far enough apart for a long enough time period. But when you are standing on those 6 ft. markers in the checkout line at Wal Mart or Home Depot, every time you move forward, you are advancing right into the air that was breathed or coughed out by the person in front of you.

Given that fact, a lot more of us should have been infected by now if it was really as contagious as the hysterical Liberal Left Chicken Little's are screaming. Not saying you can't catch it. But viral load probably has a lot to do with getting infected, and the severity of the infection.

The shutdowns were merely intended to slow the spread and flatten the curve until the medical system could mobilize. Only a complete idiot would think that we could completely shut down the economy and just print money indefinitely, and also would think that it was a total mistake to re-open businesses. Hard to predict how many people would suffer and die if we over-reacted and caused a multi-year global crash and depression. It is only natural for the number of illnesses to increase during a pandemic. That actually fits the very definition of the word.

I hope everyone takes a minute to click on this trapshooters.com link posted by the Preacher:


Read the first post in that thread, a very good article from The American Thinker


I believe that article way more than I'd believe anything from the American Brain-Dead Democrats-- rocky mtn bill and Nancy Boy nca225.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.