Originally Posted By: rocky mtn bill
....Craig: The inanimate object is all the same to you but not to the maniac choosing how to kill....

No Bill, they're not all the same. That's like saying you collect Shellhammer synthetic stocked Howas.

If a maniac is able to choose, are they still a maniac? Seems to me like you already know that no matter how much infringing and confiscating that you do, it won't matter to the criminal and their choices, eh? You've seen the riff raff that line up at the MT 'dispensaries', huh Bill? Here's a thought, you vote party line this fall for recreational pot to make sure the kids of MT get an early start with your perpetually under funded mental health services.

Imagine putting the future of public land in the hands of pot heads. Just kidding Bill, they'll have moved on to meth by then, eh?