Originally Posted By: King Brown
....not so much as an elite power group---the essence of all politics, competing even within same parties---as part of our culture and national character....

....On your point of inanimate objects and marketing, is Canada's decision to arbitrarily rid itself of ARs different from the United States imposing after 9/11 draconian limits to liberty and privacy of the Patriot Act and electronic surveillance of its entire citizenry as any country in the world?

I believe an arbitrary Canadian decision is very different in that it might help show Argo that there can not be reasonable distancing from politics?

We’ve ‘discussed’ Canada being at least 3/4 rural with not the friendliest climate, fostering a tough yet inclusive and understanding culture. In a few short years, how did it become so chauvinistic and arbitrary? While some clearly cling to romanticizing a long past era, the truth is the culture of Canada is progressing in a disappointing direction and at an amazing pace. Could it be because the enablers are justifying hypocrisy with equivocation and emotion based reasoning?

Happy upcoming birthday, I’m glad you can enjoy it free of the Russian roulette that your comrades of a similar age in NY have to endure under a progressive gov.