Originally Posted By: Ted Schefelbein
Originally Posted By: King Brown
Ted, you may have missed my report here of our last year's gun club annual meeting. Members would not take a position on looming gun control. I met with a half-dozen members of another club at the county range recently, one with an assault-style rifle. Similar response. The local gun shop owner put up his hand when I mentioned it, "I don't want to talk about it." Entreaties to a national organization provided unimaginative boilerplate, voice and print.

A majority favours gun control in rural Nova Scotia and those who don't have been worn down and dispirited by unfairness of the urban-rural divide. Urban has the votes. Our provincial government recently closed its biggest kraft mill arbitrarily after a poll showed 60 per cent of the populace didn't want it. No discussion with thousands of stakeholders, not even the owners or legislators.

My shooting-sports brothers, many close friends for more than 50 years who opposed successfully the long-gun registry, appreciate my efforts. Only now they see them mostly as beating a dead horse.

I can see from here you are involved with the wrong gun club.

Or, country.


Hard to hold onto rights you really dont have to begin with.

King, you may be at the right gun club. Have you ever considered turning down one of the fancy board lunches with the handful of good old boys, and chit chatted with the regular folks shooting the ARs?