Originally Posted By: King Brown
Keith, he was driving an RCMP cruiser, wearing genuine Mountie uniform.

No King, the Wild West province of Nova Scotia mass murderer wasn't driving an RCMP cruiser. He bought a similar vehicle well in advance of his massacre and owned it outright.

Do you think your Liberal leaders will have the same knee-jerk reaction to firearm misuse, and ban all vehicles that resemble police vehicles too?

The carnage and killings and 16 arson fires continued for nearly 13 hours. This is what mentally ill murderers do, and restrictions upon the rights of law abiding citizens will never stop them. But I tend to think that if a cop impersonator started killing large numbers of people and set 16 arson fires, other cops should have stopped the carnage. There was no shortage of witnesses. You can make lame excuses for your anti-gun sentiments, just as you made excuses for the extension of time for the industry you have been associated with to pollute the area and waters inhabited by Indigenous Native Americans. But killers always seem to find new and creative ways to kill. Supporting the Liberal Left Democrats who infringe upon the 2nd Amendment Rights of law abiding citizens is never going to change that. I glad you lived to see another of your absurd utopian visions shattered by reality.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.