Originally Posted By: keith

Let's see now... we had an ISIS problem and the Kurds had an ISIS problem and the entire civilized world had an ISIS problem. But after Donald Trump took care of it, we don't even hear anything about ISIS.

Obama couldn't fix that problem on his best day.

Same can be said about unfair international trade agreements, unemployment, and long term economic malaise.

Obama was hopelessly incompetent, and in way over his head. And you guys and gays still salivate over the anti-gun loser.

About the Lysol... you and your fellow DNC sock-puppet and parrot Billy can't show us where Trump actually ever told anyone to inject or drink Lysol or bleach. That's because he never said it. Fake News Liberal Press liars twisted his words and created a totally false narrative, and you idiots repeat it... all to support anti-gun Democrats. Of course, for all of the QUOTES you have saved from me, you also cannot show a single sentence where I ever once said I had bought any guns from a Nazi. That is simply another lie that you keep repeating.

It is amusing to see that SKB has the notion that Ted puts a lot of stock in the opinions of OBL. Especially when all of you Libtards have railed on for 3 1/2 years about the idea that Putin has Trump in his pocket. The reality is that Trump has been a massive thorn in his side and imposed massive sanctions on Russia, while Obama had that little Hot Microphone episode where be was caught promising Medvedev he would be "more flexible with Putin after the election." Then he did virtually nothing when, shortly after, Putin marched his military into the Ukraine and annexed Crimea.

That must be the kind of respect the old anti-gun Troll King Brown had in mind when he isn't defending the pollution of Indian lands and waters. I'll bet you and Billy won't go near that example of Libtard hypocrisy.

Wrong on all counts idiot. Nearly half the achievements trump claims in defeating ISIS were accomplished under Obama.


But then trump gave away the game when he up and left Syria as a birthday gift to Erdogan. Then the Kurds, our allies that were fighting the war against ISIS for us, went from having an ISIS problem to suddenly having a genocide problem from the Turks.



That move, abandoning our allies and throwing them under the Turkish bus has been universally condemned, but I guess in your very limited and small intellect that is how we show American greatness.


And ISIS rebounds.



But your are an stupid idiot and Im still not surprised about how dumb you can be as shown by the fact you do not understand that Lysol is a disinfectant. Your right, Trump did not explicitly say Lysol, he said disinfectants, but since your level of cleanliness and hygiene is less then that of a pig in sh!t, it shows that you do not know enough to realize that Lysol is a disinfectant.


Transcripts and video suck for you dont they? I have to admit, I would have expected you to know that one, considering how much you clean your tiara. But then again maybe you just have thrifty spit shine it after hes done spit shining something else?

And, wrong again on the puppet and his sanctions on Russia


Now as for you never buying a gun from Gene the nazi. Nobody here believes that after such a great braggart with posts like these:

Originally Posted By: keith

I've told you all before that my Dad and uncles and cousins all used pumps and autoloaders, and my first shotgun was an extremely tightly choked Savage hammerless single shot model 220 20 gauge. My uncle had one N.R. Davis double that hung on the wall above his reloading bench, and he explained that he never used it because it was too heavy, and three different gunsmiths weren't able to cure its' habit of doubling.

But there was an old German gunsmith who had a shop and gun store a short two mile bike ride from my Dad's house, and I spent a lot of time there looking at his guns, mostly stuff that seemed remotely affordable in the used gun rack. He was an ex-Armorer in the Nazi army in WWII, and I often heard him extolling the virtues of certain guns to customers in his thick German accent. One day, after he saw me looking at a German double that he had tried to sell to a customer, he came over and exclaimed in broken English, "These guns... all junk! You want see nice guns? I show you nice guns!" He took me into his shop and I soon saw that this three story building was literally crammed with thousands of guns.

The ones he really wanted to show me were guns like you'd find in the NRA Museum... extremely ornate doubles, cape guns, drillings, and vierlings... stuff like I'd never seen. He had these museum pieces stacked like so much cordwood. He explained that part of his job as an Armorer in the Nazi army was to scrap weapons confiscated by the German Army when they rolled through European towns and villages. They posted notices that any civilians who didn't surrender their weapons would be executed if caught. He said he was to remove the wood stocks and burn them, and to crush the actions or receivers in a press so they couldn't be recaptured and used against the Germans. The scrap guns were shipped to steel mills to be melted down to produce new war materials. He told me, "Oh, I scrap a lot of very nice guns... but really nice ones, I stashed and after the war, I come to United States and my brother smuggle them here to me." It boggles the mind to think he was able to smuggle so many guns into the U.S. back then when people here stress out about importing one or two guns today. And he had to have some real guts and cunning to conceal this booty from his officers in the Nazi army.

Now, these pieces weren't anything like Dad's Model 870 or my Savage. These were works of the gunmaker's art with gorgeous highly figured wood, ornate full coverage engraving, gold and ivory inlays, intricate carving, etc. Guns like that leave a lasting impression on a kid, or a grown man. And my eyes were opened to see that all doubles weren't heavy bulky implements like that N.R. Davis with the doubling problem. And that is where my addiction began. Raise a kid on black guns and pumps, and that is the road they will likely travel. Show them quality, and history, and real craftsmanship, and they just might take a different path.

And this one too:

Originally Posted By: keith
Jim, the old German gunsmith who lived a couple miles from my Dad once showed me some vierlings and drillings that were engraved and inlaid like this. I used to frequent his gun shop and was looking at the used gun rack one day, and he came over and said in broken English, "These guns... all junk! You want see some nice guns, I show you nice guns." He took me into his house which was attached to the shop, and it was stuffed with guns of all kinds. Many were extremely ornate, heavily engraved, and inlaid with gold, silver, and ivory.

He explained to me that he was trained as an armorer for the German Army during WWII, and that part of his his job was to destroy guns that the Nazi's confiscated from towns and villages they conquered during the Blitzkrieg. They would issue a decree to the residents that they had 24 hours to turn in their guns, and if they were caught with guns after that, they were executed.

He told me he was supposed to remove the stocks from the guns, burn the wood, and put the breech section of the barreled action in a press, and crush it so it could not be recaptured and reused. The scrap was sent to steel mills to be converted to new steel for Nazi weapons. He said, "Oh, I crush a lot of very nice guns, but really nice ones, I keep and stash when I can. Then after the war, I come to United States, and my brother smuggle them over here to me." I have no idea how they accomplished this, but he didn't just have a lot of guns. He literally had tonnage. Not all of it was as nice as your photo, but I saw stuff that rivaled anything I saw in the NRA Museum, Harold's Club Casino gun collection in Reno, or anything else I've seen.

The last time I saw these guns was in 1991 during the first Gulf War. I went to his new house he built after he retired to see if he had some Mauser parts I needed. His wife remembered me and invited me in because he wasn't feeling well. The new house was also stuffed with guns... thousands of them, in every room. Many were getting that dry rust patina that comes from neglect. It would have taken a year just to clean them all. He and his wife were cheering for Saddam Hussein as CNN reported that Iraq was firing Scud missiles into Israel. They called them "Stud Missiles" in their broken English, and saying they hoped Saddam killed all of the Jews. Once a Nazi, always a Nazi, I guess.

I love nothing more then reminding you and the board that you frequented the shop of a nazi and did business with him for what appears to be decades, even at times when he was cheering the death of jews..

You have zero credibility with your claim that you never bought a gun from gene the nazi, and as I reminded you before, your white nationalist views and your own admission of doing business with a nazi while he is concurrently cheering the death of Jews, outs you as a nazi as well.

You are a very sad, and little person. Even smaller then the idiots here that emulate you like thrifty and the sheep.

Last edited by nca225; 04/29/20 11:03 AM.

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