Ive owned guns with them and without them. Ive always figured I had more control over recoil, or, lack there of, by proper selection of load to gun, and what use it will see that day.
The older style Darne guns that are without obturator discs have the faceplate of the breech dovetailed into the sliding breech, and are superior to the later version, that is held in place with two screws from the bottom. V grade guns, all obturator disc guns after about 1908, have two pins which toss the empties off to either side, something I am also not crazy about. A non obturator disc Darne R model just pulls the empties out of the barrel, and they stay politely there, until you grab them, or, tip the gun.
I think it is so much hype, but, will say it is a nice little piece of machine work, and have never seen one that was poorly fitted. I wouldnt let the lack of them be the deciding factor on a gun I was considering, assuming everything else was good.
