Originally Posted By: nca225
....I don't think you have a good understanding of what an assisted living facility is, and needs to do. Had you an understanding, then you would know that a military hospital ship or a make shift hospital such as the one in the convention center, would make a very poor assisted living facility for the elderly. If they came from an assisted living facility , that would be where they need to go because of the resources for elderly care they have there. Had you read what I wrote, instead of grasping at the straw man, you would know that I'm supportive of MA's and CT's approach. Designate certain facilities for Covid-19 patients and keep the health one's separated at different facilities from those.

Perhaps, at taxpayers expense, we could build some more assisted living facilities? China (supposedly) builds hospitals in a week....

Something tells me if you had an innie, you'd try to convince the gals at the tofu and sprouts take out place that it was actually detuned cajones. I defer to your vast experience with assisted living requirements, but hurry before some progressive sidesteps your hypocritical philosophizing, and starts offering end of life options for the discarded, eh.