Originally Posted By: 2-piper
I once read an interesting account of one of Annie's European tours. I don't recall the date, but she was currently in France. At that time all ammunition was manufactured by the "Government" & any other was not allowed to be brought in. Her husband, Frank Butler, loaded all her shells for her. The French powder was very erratic & patterns were not consistent so her shooting was sub-normal. One day a large box arrived from England marked eggs, which had of course been opened & inspected. The box was indeed full of eggs, packed in a granular substance to prevent breakage. An accompanying letter said, try the packing in your gun I think you will like it. A friend seeing her dilemma had the eggs shipped, packed in English Shultz gunpowder. Her shooting immediately picked up dramatically.

I remember reading that story years ago.


May God bless America and those who defend her.