It pains me greatly to find myself in partial agreement with at least some of what BrentD has posted.

Like Lloyd, I see a lot of Fake News from the anti-Trump media. They see this pandemic as just another opportunity to try to remove the President. But there are enough credible sources to know that this Covid19 virus may be very dangerous. It appears to spread extremely easily, and if they discovered a vaccine today, it wouldn't be tested,8 approved, manufactured, and distributed for at least a year to 14 months. There is absolutely nobody who could predict how or if this virus could mutate. And right now, there is no proven drug therapy that is guaranteed to save lives. It is way too early in this game to make predictions.

I urge everyone to Google "1918 Spanish Flu Smithsonian Magazine" for several very good articles. It is amazing that something that killed so many people was largely forgotten, while everyone knows about a much smaller loss of life when the Titanic sunk six years earlier. 195,000 people died in one month in October 1918 in the U.S. alone. And the U.S. population was much smaller. It almost seems as if it was so horrific that the entire world tried to forget it happened. Epidemiologists have been telling us that this would happen again.... not if, but when.

As far as Donald Trump's response, I don't believe BrentD' s claim that he complained Trump wasn't doing enough early on. I'd like to see proof of that statement. Worthless lying Democrats were roundly criticizing Trump for shutting down travel with China, and later Europe, calling him xenophobic and saying it was an over-reaction, When it comes to the speed of his recent responses, we all know it was disingenuous Democrats who were stalling and trying to slide all kinds of unrelated Socialist crap into the Stimulus bill. And if Trump had stated an intention 4 months ago to build 100,000 ventilators and crank out millions of masks, gloves, and other PPE, then Democrats and the slime on CNN would have claimed that he wasn't fit for office.

I want to remind everyone again that the Obama administration was bringing people sick with Ebola back into the U.S., which is about as irresponsible as you can get.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.