Lonesome, Vietnam was a different problem, 1 million regular army North Vietnamese troops based in Cambodia and Laos. It was a conventional war disguised and promoted as a guerrilla war, which we fought without understanding Clauswitz thanks essentially to LBJ. Still, the principle of CIDG type camps would have worked along the Durrand Line. I asked captured Taliban from Ghazni Province if, had they had a choice, they would have enrolled in a militia controlled and paid by US (and mentioned the salary)...to a man they said, "yes."

The old saw of Pakistan is true.
-- "Lead a Punjabi,"
-- "Treat a Baluch with respect,"
-- "Buy a Pashtun"
-- "Shoot a Sindhi."

Ie. Buy a Pashtun.

Last edited by Argo44; 03/28/20 09:21 PM.

Baluch are not Brahui, Brahui are Baluch