Originally Posted By: BrentD
If you haven't been hearing useful information in the mainstream media, then truly, you have your head in the sand.

Go back to your elementary biology classes and what did you learn about disease dynamics, exponential growth, minimum populations to spark epidemics.

Some of you guys are so willingly blinded by your politics that you are flatly ignoring biology. Biology doesn't follow party lines. In this case, it will kill a hyperconservative as fast as a hyperliberal.

Really Brent? Your media is the media that lambasted Trump as racist in early Feb for closing borders with China. Now they are bitching he didn't do enough fast enough.

The head of the WHO was saying in mid January there was no evidence of human to human transmission.

The governor of Nevada is banned the use of chloroquine because Trump touted it as a possible cure. Trump is shit on for touting it by the media. In the previous 3 days, the media had been touting it in stories about the small test in France that was so successful.

The media deride Trump on chloroquine and say nothing when Cuomo stockpiles it for New York.

And I'm not even trying.

There is enough bullshit and misinformation to go around. And its being spread on both the left and the right. Quit pretending you and your side has the moral high ground.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia