The cost of education was $100.00. That is not that big of a hit. Learn and move on. In a perfect world it would cost zero. Consider this, if the dealer had declined the price drop and the gun did not sell for a couple months how would you feel if he mentioned his chance to sell at a reduced price back a month ago. You would be pissed because by then you just want the gun sold. Many would be buyers, are just kicking tires and an offer for a reduced price might not even be real money. I have seen all types of reasons for buyer to back out after getting an offer accepted.

Shipping is the cost of selling to people you can not meet and while it is real, paying that price increases your potential sales market about a thousand percent. Most guns would never be sold today if not shipped. Trading guns is a lot like changing wives. Best only done after considerable thought and clear pictures of her new truck. smile