Originally Posted By: ed good
bill, watt bout russia collusion an ukraine quid pro quo? turns out both those outrageous stories about trump are not true...

Those stories are true ed. They just don't involve Donald Trump engaging in any criminal or treasonous behavior.

Obama got caught on tape offering to be flexible with Putin after the election. Then he did virtually nothing when Putin subsequently invaded the Ukraine and annexed Crimea. There was no military aid for Obama to put a hold on. All the Obama administration supplied was MRE's and blankets... and lip service.

The real quid pro quo in the Ukraine was the criminal corruption that Joe Biden and his son Hunter were engaged in. Remember what Adam Schiff, Chuck Schumer, Maxine Waters, Jerald Nadler and all the Democrats said about a million times during the impeachment circus... "Nobody is above the law" (except for anti-gun Democrats running for President)

I wonder why Billy refuses to acknowledge how the very Liberal biased Snopes lied about the non-presence of the American Flag at the start of the last Democrat Convention???... or why he runs away from his lies about which Party actually supported Civil Rights and giving women the right to vote???

Could be it's because Billy doesn't want to admit that the Party that had Ku Klux Klan members working to deny civil rights to blacks, and working to deny women's voting rights is the same Democrat Party that is working hard to take away the 2nd Amendment Rights of law abiding U.S. citizens?

You have to be a real dumbass to be a gun owner that supports and votes for anti-gunners. Unfortunately, Billy has a number of equally stupid friends here. Here's one of them now:

Originally Posted By: L. Brown
Looks to me as if we went from discussing grouse to grousing about politics.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.