"Beat out S.D.??"" is there a contest between the various States that still have pheasants and an open season on them. Many many years ago, 1970's, when MI had a fairly substantial ruffed grouse season, a local chapter of the RGS held a annual contest for most grouse killed in the generous 75 day Fall seasons. A former hunting pal one the jackpot one year with 25-- how did they verify the count- you turned in a pair of dead grouse legs, tied together-- 50 legs, 25 dead birds- He also told me that he and his dog lost about 11 sail-offs and possible cripples the year he and his GSP bagged that total. That, amigoes, is one solid reason we don't have many Sir Ruffs now-a-days around Central MI.

Talk about pheasants (my favorite upland game bird)-- go see the current Harrison Ford movie--based on Jack London's story- "Call Of The Wild" apparently the Yukon had pheasants (all cocks) back around 1900--huumm!! RWTF

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..