You are right and I have posted a photo of the offending Lefever part in the original forum post. I will put it here also.

Not being familiar with the Lefever parts jargon, I labeled this a cocking rod as it does cock the hammers. I should have thought it might be confusing with the earlier Lefever model.

What do Lefever folks call this cocking rod? This only other descriptive name I could come up with would be cocking pin?

Interesting that the right hammer cocked as long as the broken key was captured in the hammer slot and sideplate. Looking at the material construction of this part I wonder how many other Lefever models have a similar problem only to remain undetected unless completely stripped for cleaning.

If I can find an original part replacement in sound condition I would prefer that to making a new part, even though a new part would be much superior as this would keep the gun with all period parts. If you can help locate one I would appreciate it. Thanks for your help.