Originally Posted By: Geo. Newbern
Pull the extractor out all the way and then try it...Geo

Originally Posted By: Marks_21
I agree with George as that sounds like a good suggestion, and I can also add... that I will try it on a gun I can never get apart

I'm really curious to hear your reasons for why you think that pulling the extractor all the way out, as Geo has suggested, would help matters when trying to remove the barrels from a 1905 G Grade Lefever?

And do you know the reason for this little problem with your D Grade?

Originally Posted By: Marks_21

That said I have a D grade Lefever I can never get the barrels off of. I have to let the hammers down ( OR "fire the gun") before I can get the barrels to release from the cocking hook.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.