Well Stevie, if you were after the non-reflective uneven military type finish, you almost nailed it. Is that dust, dirt, or pitting around the solder joint? How could you post this only hours after being so hyper-critical of a couple specs of dust on this superb rust bluing done by PA24?

Did you do this, or is this more of the work that you have told us that you sub-contract out to someone else?

It took quite a while to finish this. You might have more time to get your customers guns completed if you and your pals weren't spending so much of your time digging for dirt on me.

Originally Posted By: SKB
Originally Posted By: keith
Don't bother even trying to fish for more information, until you answer my questions first Stevie.

Oh I have more information on you that I have never posted. I am not looking for more.
