Actually Hesperia,Michigan is Just north of Muskegon about 30 miles.
Apearentley some of you Peaple have a problem with LEGAL SHOOTING!! Please Pick ANY COUNTRY You Want to live in & I will Pay for a ONE WAY Ticket to that Country. The Only Catch is you give up your U.S.A. Citizen ship & NEVER come back!!
Not Sure What your problem is. Its a DAMN Bat for christ sakes its not Like there a endangered species at Least not where I live, & I checked with the local D.N.R. To the guy that (Reported) me, They said Please Kill as Many as possible. so kiss my white Backside!!!
I am Leaving to go hunting for a week. but any of you that want to take this up in person my Address is 937 Daniel lot 1/ Hesperia, MI Don't write. Have the Balls to come on up & talk face to face! I will be back on Wednesday the 19th.

Jeff Hren