Originally Posted By: mc
If Dave isn't happy with contact information on his site I am positive he would say something I'm also sure Dave doesn't broadcast what member's contribute his business his rules.

You are absolutely correct mc. Dave has indeed said something about freeloading free advertisers. Here you go mc... Stevie has seen this, straight from Dave and totally unedited, except for the part I changed to Bold Purple Print. He has seen it several times, and still feels entitled. In fact, Stevie recently added an extra line to his tag line to increase his free advertising:

Originally Posted By: Dave Weber
For Sale section…

#1 - I have always provided latitude to members who have been courteous enough to ask prior to posting for sale ads. This would include those who personally sell DGJ collections, Ithaca Model 37's...et al. As I feel these are legitimate sporting items and/or fine firearms. I would expect the same fee if the listing was successful and honestly all the members who have ever asked first then posted have been more than honorable in their commitment to the terms of the for sale section. I prefer the preponderance of ads to feature SxS guns and rifles…so long as the “Other fine Firearms” and related are in the minority I have no issue with them being in the section. For that matter I can light up another forum with related items but there don’t seem to be enough of them to warrant the change.

(Random rant thrown in below just because…it’s true….Or, at least I think so.) I have always been pissed off by commercial ventures who feel the BBS and its members are worthwhile for their advertising so long as it’s free….Apparently only their time and products are worth money where as my time and my product is not….go figure.

Thank you,
Dave Weber

And here is a link that will explain why apostrophes and quotation marks in Dave's statement showed up with this-- ’ -- instead of an apostrophe, etc. I was going to fix it, but didn't want to get accused of dishonest editing. However, there is no mistaking his feelings on the subject:


As far as I know, there is no rule that says Stevie cannot wear buckle strap girl's shoes while he performs major surgery on a front sight insert. As long as he isn't hurting any small animals, I am merely amused by his cross dressing. When I saw his "Ouch my toe" thread, I thought he probably dropped a hammer while wearing open toe high heels.
