Originally Posted By: Drew Hause

........And the steel used to fabricate barrels by Jean-Baptiste Delcour-Dupont/Canons Delcour S.A. & Laurent Lochet-Habran was likely sourced from Acier Cockerill Manufacture Liegoise. Manufacture dArmes Feu Ligeoise used Cockerill steel almost exclusively, and also labeled the steel Acier Special and Acier Excelsior.

It seems likely that Krupp licensed Cockerill Sambre, as Fluss Stahl Krupp Essen marked tubes stamped with Acier Cockerill or with LLH of Laurent Lochet-Habran are found on some U.S. maker's barrels. LLH was also licensed to manufacture barrels marked Siemens-Martin.

Probably all true and it may be semantics but I think if we view & define who performed what task, the concept of the superposition of effort will fall into place. Such as a steel maker licensed another steel maker on another continent to make their recipe. Then bar stock made via that recipe was delivered to a tube maker who converted bar stock into a rough tube, which was sold by the box to a mechanic who transformed the rough tube into a gun barrel, etc. Or the tube maker was sourced by a gun maker...... LLH was receiving bar stock and selling rough bored tubes.......

