Kids have left...finally...sitting here quietly...thinking about, curious about, what in the world is the "A. Couillard" signature between the generic Saint-Etienne stamps "Choke Rectifie" and "Portee Garantie"?

Where did that name come from? It's on more than one gun in the same place. Was Couillard a member of the Banc d'épreuve de Saint-Étienne? A barrel borer? A barrel maker? I've searched all sorts of variants in the French press...rien, niente, nada.
-- Have you Francophile gun owners ever seen a name in the middle of that sort of stamp?
-- Who puts that kind of stamp on French barrel flats? I've seen variants forever - some just say "Grand Prix" etc.
-- Is it an official stamp?
-- What does it represent? We've dismissed these stamps as un-understandable publicity jargon meaning this a correct assumption?
-- Was there some sort of test run by the Banc d'épreuve to say simply (via the "Choke Rectifie") stamp, "Yep, it's choked," in lieu of "Non Pour la Balle"?

-- And where is Wild Cattle?

Last edited by Argo44; 12/29/19 12:19 AM.

Baluch are not Brahui, Brahui are Baluch