Originally Posted By: bladeswitcher
A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still.

Kutter, your recollections, if not wrong, are outdated.

Have a merry Christmas.

My recollections are 'wrong' ?

Is that like my opinion being wrong?
Or is that just a gentle way of telling me to go away old senile man.
Maybe just a way of telling me I'm a hard headed Dutchman. I've been called that and more.

My experiences don't fit neatly into your ATF Handbook, so it can't possibly be true.
Welcome to the real world. Things are like that out here.

Like I said,,that Handbook assumes the Agents check every 12months.
So it would make sense that at the next check, they would only need to check back in the record,,12 months.
But in reality, they might not have shown up for 3, 4 or 5 yrs or more. So they simply check back that far to the last Compliance check. Not just 12months.
What's so mysterious about that?
You yourself said you haven't been checked but 2 times in 8 yrs.
What happened to once in 12 months.

Outdated recollections,,from a 2017 BATFE Compliance check??,,
I don't think so.
Sorry,, I'm not punching big block letter keys on the Nursing Home Computer.
Not there yet.
Still doing high grade restorations & engraving for my amusement.

Just another day.
Merry Xmas if you like that stuff. Lot's of people do and that's nice.

I'm 'otta here.
Not worth posting anymore.