The thing that always amazes me is how often unlicensed folks are so determined to follow rules that were written for people who hold FFLs. They make this so much harder for themselves by worrying about things that don't affect them.

The ONLY thing that matters in a situation of a private transfer is that both parties are satisfied. Once the deal is done, the unlicensed seller doesn't have to keep any records or be able to prove anything. No, it's not quite handshake and done, but it's pretty close. There's no reason to get all wound around the axle over it. Yeah, the receiving FFL has to have all his ducks in a row, but the unlicensed parties are not accountable to anybody (OK, that may not be true in California and New York, etc.).

If the receiving dealer doesn't want to provide a license copy, fine. He doesn't have to, and you don't need it. Do the EZ-check thing. Google image the address storefront if it makes you feel better. Talk to your buyer. Then move on. Do the deal and get it done. Relax. It's OK. If you're not an FFL, you don't have to pretend to be one.

Last edited by bladeswitcher; 12/21/19 08:22 AM.