Originally Posted By: rocky mtn bill
When Trump swore an oath to uphold the constitution, he had no idea what he was thus obligated to do.


All Presidents and Congressmen and Judges put their hand on a Bible and swear under oath to Preserve, Protect, and Defend the U.S. Constitution. Yet the vast majority of Democrats, and 100% of the Liberal Left Democrats that you support and vote for, all work relentlessly to violate that sworn oath of office. They all work to diminish the Gun Rights of law abiding U.S. Citizens. And you support them Billy.

They all work to infringe upon the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution without going through the only proper and legal route, which is going through the long legal process of repeal, followed by ratification by 2/3 of the States. Every Liberal Democrat on the U.S. Supreme Court voted against the Individual Right to Keep and Bear Arms in both the 2008 Heller decision and the 2010 McDonald decision. These are the same Liberal Left Judges who look us in the eye, and lie about their support for the 2nd Amendment during Senate confirmation hearings.

And you and every other Libtard FUDD gun owner dishonestly finds excuses to look the other way, and support this clear and repeated lie, and clear violation of the oath of office by Liberal Democrats.

I can show you the 2nd Amendment Billy, and I can show you the 2008 and 2010 affirmation of that Constitutional Amendment and the Individual Right to Keep and Bear Arms by the U.S. Supreme Court. I can show you in Black and White. I can show you the part where it clearly says... "THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED". In 2016, I showed you Hillary Clinton's promise to infringe upon that 2nd Amendment Constitutional Right from her own campaign website, and you voted for her anyway. I can rub your nose in it like dog shit on the floor, and you wag your little Democrat tail and lap it right up.

Can you show me exactly where our pro-gun President violated the U.S. Constitution by simply asking the Ukranian President to investigate rampant corruption, for Zip, Zero, Nada in return???... a fact verified by the actual call transcript, and the most important witnesses who will never be called to testify... the Ukranian President and his Foreign Minister?

You lie to us Billy, and you even lie to yourself. You are beneath contempt. Your hatred for our President is noted, and I'm sure that hatred, and your support for anti-2nd Amendment Democrats, will be repeated numerous times before November 2020. Gun owners like you are not on our side. You all are like a malignant cancer within our ranks, and your dishonesty and hypocrisy should be brought into the light of day at every opportunity.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.