Originally Posted By: King Brown
Right on, James. We've all seen this picture show. I'm as tired of it as you are. Hope they're tolling good on the Delta.

King, are you talking about the same old picture show where you sing the same old song claiming that you can call yourself a supporter of gun rights when you support and vote for the anti-gun Liberal Left politicians like Justin Trudeau, who fight relentlessly to enact new anti-gun legislation?

Or were you thinking of the scene where you tell that B.S, story claiming that you actually had a hand in rolling back the Canadian Long Gun Registry? It seems odd that you would do that, when you voted for the Liberal Left politicians who enacted it, funded it, and fought so hard to keep it.

I'll bet it does get tiring shoveling so much pure horse shit all the time. And searching for that post where you claimed I put words in your mouth must be tiring too!

Say King, why don't you give us the name and address of the President of your Gun Club so we could ask him about your great contributions to fighting to eliminate the Canadian Long Gun Registry? He'd probably also be interested in seeing a bunch of QUOTES of the anti-NRA and anti-2nd Amendment posts you have made here.

I bet we'll get that name about the same time as you give us the names of the Roman Catholic clerics at St Francis Xavier University who baptized your father as an adult convert, knowing he did not believe in the Resurrection, and agreeing with him and saying, "We don't believe in it either!".

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.