Originally Posted By: Nudge
While CA, because of its size and national importance, might seem to be "the problem"...the reality is it's that mindset that's the problem. CA is just the penultimate example of what happens when it can run essentially unchecked.

But the same people who have done this to CA are in NY, MA, CT, NJ, IL, etc. And in great strength in urban pockets of othwrwise sane states...Madison, WI, Minneapolis, MN, Austin, TX, Boulder, CO...

And it's difficult to know how to show them their ideas don't work. Because they won't acknowledge where it is failing. They can't. To do so would invalidate lifetimes of belief.

So...5 decades into literally UNCHALLENGED Democrat control of Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, D.C. etc...the "problems" which ail them are still the fault of a boogie man they drove off 5 decades ago.

Here is the brutal truth:

Inequality: The two primary drivers of inequality in America have been (1) the Federal Reserve, unleashed post-Bretton Woods in pumping false prosperity by way of debt serfdom, and (2) globalization, which perverts and abets capitalism by off-shoring labor in favor of fatter profit margins for the benefit of the elites in charge, and similarly invested. There is NOTHING but upside for them in globalism, because in the coastal urban centers where they live (primarily), the underclass largely exists in the service sector, feeding further downstream in the same eco-system. It's the people who farm, and build, and employ trade skills with their hands who are expendable and forgotten.

Urban hipster beta males LOVE globalism too! It brings them cheap hipster clothing and technology (iPhones, laptops), ensures a constant underclass of service sector workers to drive them around in Ubers and cook their food, clean their tiny apartments, etc.

Now add to these two PRIMARY drivers -- The Fed and Globalization -- a slew of secondary factors, and you get the soup we are currently sitting in. Including, but not limited to:

Godlessness (which fosters all manner of moral inversion, subverting "goodness" in almost every endeavor)

Victimology (Balkanizing the populace, parsing them into groups to be pitted against each other, establishing angst amongst minorites by way of shiboleths, so that they simultaneously self-suppress, while becoming a reliable source of voting power, convincing young women that men are the root of every bad thing, etc.)

There's more but I wont go on.


What a mess we have here in Boulder, Co.

The most stable housing market in the U.S.

a highly educated and affluent population

low crime

a beautiful and very clean city

While it is far from perfect, I have seen much, much worse.

Booking African hunts, firearms import services

Here for the meltdowns