Originally Posted By: King Brown
Where did the trend toward Islamophobia come from in discussions of gun rights? A virulent strain appears here from time to time, as irrational as saying anyone voting Democrat is anti-gun. Canada's newest and fastest-growing gun lobby is partnering with Islamophobia groups. Media reports the new group splintered off from the National Firearms Association—Canada’s oldest gun lobby, dating from the 1970s—and has promised to act as a “sophisticated, disciplined,” nonpartisan voice promoting gun ownership, with a policy wish list that includes concealed handgun licensing, firearm-friendly self-defence laws, and the legalization of machine guns.

Poor King... he really hates it when it is pointed out that there is no escaping the FACT that supporting and voting for Liberal Left anti-gun Democrats is in itself an anti-gun act.

Civil Rights would never have happened in this country if enough people did not support politicians who passed Civil Rights legislation. Same goes for Women's suffrage, i.e., the right of women to vote.

Of course, the majority of Democrats during those times voted against those rights. King will never admit that. And King will never admit that the vast majority of anti-gun laws and anti-gun judges have come as a result of people voting for and electing anti-gun Democrats.

Gun owners who support and vote for extreme anti-gunner are stabbing us all in the backs. They should not be accepted or embraced. They should be treated as anyone who would work to take away your Constitutional Rights and freedom. But working to undermine our 2nd Amendment Rights is King's mission here... and it shall be his legacy.

Going by King's past posts on the subject here, you can also bet that King opposes most of the gun rights proposals made by this new Canadian Gun Rights organization. And it would really bother King if they recognized the long term threat that is posed by an increasing Muslim presence in Canada. King is almost as good as his little brother Larry Clown when it comes to defending and excusing Islamic terror. King even lied to us and tried to tell us that Canada's Defense Minister Harjit Sajjan is a Muslim. He is, in fact, a Sikh.


A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.