Originally Posted By: rocky mtn bill
Keith, Is Dave a child? If he objects to a posting, let him delete it. Why not let him fend for himself? Go carry water for Donald Trump. He's going to need it.

Billy, Dave has stated his feelings about selfish and self-centered people who take advantage of him via use of his forum for free advertising and self promotion. Your wormy friend Stevie doubled down and added more advertising to his tagline.

I'll bet you wouldn't consider it so innocuous if another FFL named Dave K started advertising his firearms business here. You are very selective about what you find offensive. But I understand because I find guys who support anti-gun Liberal Left Democrats offensive. Since Stevive shares your derisive view of Trump and the NRA, and even uses data from known anti-gunners like Philip Alpers and his Anti-gun organization Gunpolicy.org it seems he qualifies for a pass from you. But guess what Billy.... I don't give a shit what you think. Now you know.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.