First I have not mentioned anything about girls & schools, that was someone else.

Our Constitution stated we would have "No Mandated" religion (my words) nothing else. A lot of our forefathers were fleeing England & The Continent to get away from mandated religion of the Catholic Church &/or The Church of England/Anglican/Episcopalian.

When I was in school we had a daily Bible Reading, that is no longer allowed. This was NOT Unconstitutional in spite of liberal court rulings. I do not know about everywhere, but I do know in TN no teacher is allowed to read from the Bible, but courses are taught on Islam. IF one is supposed to violate the constitution, why does not the other??

Many years ago I bought a copy of the Koran & read it. Mostly ramblings of a "MAD MAN". I think I still have it somewhere, but cannot just lay my hands on it without a search. So at present, I cannot cite Book, Chapter & Verse, or however it is arranged, do not recall exactly now. I do know for a fact that Mahammad promoted "Violence" to "Force" other religions to become Muslims.

This type of action is "NOT" a part of true Christianity.

I Didn't Say Everything I Said, Yogi Berra